POV 3 – Chivalry & Self-Exploration

First published on Medium Photo by Patrick Schneider on Unsplash Recently while watching the movie Gangubai Kathiawadi, I was kind of taken aback by the valiancy of the character. The movie discusses one of the taboo topics in our society that is shunned by the mention of its name. It’s peculiar how we dismiss the social…

POV 2- Desires and Illusions

We live in a fantasy world, a world of illusion. The great task in life is to find reality.Iris Murdoch Image credits: https://rahalarts.artstation.com/projects/XnVQnL Illusions and desire might be termed as two sides of a coin. You know why? As through our desires we can weave illusions around ourselves which often transport us to those situations…

If I was My Bravest Self

First published on Medium Photo by Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash My bravest self, if I may tell you Would be Brave! Brave enough to dance and twirl around As I possess four left feet, Brave enough to sing melodious songs As I pity the audience in the street, Brave enough to stand tall in the crowd…

A Modern Day Poem

First published on Medium Image courtesy : Vector Images I sprint over a hurdle to reach the flamedancing on one toe I ace this gameI twirl and catch the specks of dustremove the cobwebs, this is my list of wanderlustThe pile of clothes and the stacks of dominosthey are ready to crumble, oh catch them…

POV 1 – Respect

“You define your own life. Don’t let other people write your script.”— Oprah Winfrey Image source: https://serialcast.in/she-cast/ The character being discussed has many facets and many complex layers attached to it. But the layer that the author wants to reveal is something so strongly embedded into the character which goes on to change the narrative…

The curious case of Dredging our Streets

This post might be more of an impulse, as I’m forced to write about it. The road which leads to my house has been in a state of repair/retrofit/carpeting/crumbling/inaccessible (the author uses negative words as we have seen times when we felt like living in a rural hinterland as the road didn’t literally exist for…

Earth Day – Everyday

Note: As the topic is very vast and scientific, the author would not bring out facts/figures as it requires deep and validated research to put forth correct & tested details, thus would refrain from doing so. The post would although be interspersed with links to facts & information from reputed resources to add to the…

Central Vista Redevelopment Project

Dreaming of a Modern Heritage with 'Glass feet' Here we debate the fate of one of the greatest Urban spaces of Modern-day India, sited in the very heart of the Capital City, Delhi which holds pride for every Indian citizen. The Redevelopment of Central Vista today feels more like a symbolic imprint (maybe saffron should…

Bihar Diaries

Visiting to the countryside for the first time, I had my set of inhibitions. After all, we city dwellers with our over-the-top busy schedules and being suckers for a robotic routine tend to think that life in the countryside might be slow paced and monotonous. Although it’s true that life here is snail paced and…