Note: As the topic is very vast and scientific, the author would not bring out facts/figures as it requires deep and validated research to put forth correct & tested details, thus would refrain from doing so. The post would although be interspersed with links to facts & information from reputed resources to add to the knowledge. This post would be more like an eye-opener rather than being more opiniated. It’s high time we wake up, rather than sleeping forever.

Since it is Earth Day today, it becomes imperative to discuss this trending but very important topic.

We come across various terms including sustainability, go green, recycle, reuse, reduce, organic, farm-to-table, slow fashion, sustainable fashion etc. (the list might be endless) while discussing Climate Change. But do we consciously follow what we preach? Maybe yes, maybe no!

The idea of Earth Day being celebrated on April 22 each year, is probably to remind us that we the Earthlings, should stop and see the (irreversible) damage we have done to Mother Earth and the potential threats we pose for our futures. To learn from the mistakes is up to us, but not to learn and move on could be lethal.

Climate change is real and we are seeing its impact in everyday lives, irrespective of the time-zones or geographies. Few of the changes we are witnessing while the author writes this post are:

  1. Food Insecurity: Shifting seasons impacting our crops and food production in turn leading to inflation in food prices
  2. Rise in Natural disasters: Occurring faster than ever before, natural disasters are threatening entire populations residing in vulnerable areas
  3. Alteration in Phenology: Alteration of the seasonal rhythm of the plant-life cycle events impacting the quality and quantity of agricultural produce
  4. Mass extinction of some species: Potential threat to extinction of few species (example, Bubmlebee) which are important to the Earth in some way or another
  5. Infectious diseases: Rising number of allergies and other medical conditions (in some cases they could be lethal) caused due to issues like air pollution.

There are countless other threats related to Climate change which cannot be discussed due to restrictions of time, space and expertise, but in a nutshell, it is time we WAKE UP AND ACT. Being individuals, we cannot draw over-ambitious plans, thus sticking to small milestones which can be achieved would be sensible, rather than only discussing them, to ensure we contribute our bit to Planet Mother Earth. Few of the author’s recommendations are:

  1. Whenever possible, reduce stepping out uselessly to ensure you do not contribute to the emission of GHG’s. Especially post-covid when workplaces offer flexibility to Work-from-home, the advantage should be well-utilized in reducing travel time, reduction in fossil fuels consumption and in turn reduced air pollution.
  2. Practice Slow living and Slow fashion if possible. These might sound buzzwords, but do not think they are simple to adopt and implement. They both require to sacrifice on lot of luxuries and extravagances and living a minimal lifestyle. Although, they are possible by a slow-transition where whatever we buy should be done consciously and thoughtfully. This would also be pocket-friendly. ADDED BONUS! Check out this blogger for some sustainable tips and great information on slow-fashion & living
  3. Shop Local – this would straightaway transpire to reducing the carbon footprint as the product would travel less to reach to us. Also, it would contribute to the local economy and help your own communities. So, GO VOCAL FOR LOCAL.
  4. Carry Re-usable (including products made of glass, reusable cardboard, fabric etc.)  for everyday use. This would ensure that our landfills do not exhaust and become (unwanted) mountains of waste in cities.
  5. Last but not the least – GO GREEN. Amidst Covid we saw a large set of people adopting gardening and planting in their homes and thus ensuring there is an element of Mother Earth in our homes too. Apart from aesthetics, plants have air-purification properties which ensure management of micro-climates thus reducing dependencies on mechanical air-purifiers. Consider growing your own food in balcony gardens, kitchen gardens and other such activities. Check out this blogger for some sustainable DIY’s and gardening tips.

While there are abundant ways in which we can contribute, the above-mentioned are some achievable milestones which we can implement in our daily lives over-the-years. After all why make one day as Earth day, AS EVERYDAY IS EARTH DAY.

“It seems to me that the natural world is the greatest source of excitement; the greatest source of visual beauty; the greatest source of intellectual interest. It is the greatest source of so much in life that makes life worth living.”

—David Attenborough
for some quick fun facts about earth day click the link

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