First published on Medium

Image courtesy : Vector Images

I sprint over a hurdle to reach the flame
dancing on one toe I ace this game
I twirl and catch the specks of dust
remove the cobwebs, this is my list of wanderlust
The pile of clothes and the stacks of dominos
they are ready to crumble, oh catch them while I strike a pose!
The scattered books resemble volcano rocks
careful honey, the floor is lava — jump onto that box!
The dishes are greasy, laden with citrus
don’t worry let me don the hat of the mighty dish-mistress
The floor is stained from the wine last night
Oh, I spilled it accidently, please don’t mind
The laundry is done I need to put them away
these maids don’t come on time I should fire them today
The pasta water has boiled, I must simmer it down
I don’t like the color of the sauce, this golden brown
The school assignment is top on my to-do list
You should check that new tutor out, Oh I insist!
These unending, everyday chores turn me into a meticulous juggler
Oh, but don’t be afraid I am no smuggler
What I do crave for although is a life full of laughter, joy and some unadulterated fun
For this life is given to us only once!

© Parul Kapoor, 2022. All rights reserved.

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