PArul kapoor

Writer | Urbanist | Researcher

The author, Parul Kapoor is an Urban planner and an architect by profession with a passion to write. Through this blog she would like to connect the dots from everything that Life has to offer —- experiences, learnings and interactions.
The blog would be mostly opiniated and does not intend to hurt the sentiments of any groups/communities. The idea is to share thoughts and discuss small and large happenings in our lives.

The name ‘AN URBAN LENS’ is symbolic as our lives are constantly changing due to the Urban-ness and thus it becomes imperative to apply the URBAN LENS to everyday situations as it would help us review everything from Static to Dynamic but at the same time unpacking various layers.
Urban although is a very broad term, which projects a Spatial image in our minds, but if we dwell deeper, we would realise that Urbanism is in everything we do every day. Be it food, culture, cities, people, human psychology etc. – everything and anything is impacted by this single term ‘Urban’ as it is a ‘Way of Life’ and how we design our lives individually will impact our futures.

DISCLAIMER: The blog might be unapologetic at times, but the author does not intend to harm any emotions whatsoever.
ETHICS: The views and opinions though are personal, still require good amount of research, editing and reviews before hitting the Publish button. So do not reproduce any work or images without crediting the author/blog as it would not cost you a dime.

I would love to hear comments/feedback from the community on my opinions and findings. If you like the content kindly share.

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